Areas of application of PREMIS

PREMIS is a web system assurance tool used in industries such as:

icon automotive sector


Main standards of PREMIS application:

icon airtraffic sector

Air traffic

Main regulations of PREMIS application:

icon oil&gas sector

Process industry,
Oil & Gas

Main standards of PREMIS application:

icon technology sector


Main standards of PREMIS application:

icon cybersecurity sector


Main standards of PREMIS application:

Assurance cases for medical devices

Medical devices

Main standards of PREMIS application:


benefit collaboration

Online collaboration

benefit traceability

Traceability and auditability

benefit efficiency


Scalability and adaptability


PREMIS User Group

We meet PREMIS users each month to share the best practices of assurance case management and the use of the tool.

PREMIS User Group is free and open for all users. You can join the group, attend the meetings and get access to the group resources.

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  • New GSN diagram automatic layout

    Improved assurance case development in GSN diagrams and automatic layout are the main enhancements in the new version of PREMIS released last week. It’s now easier to work with diagram pages, which no longer have a size limit. Diagram editing is faster, navigation has been improved and working with GSN is now more effective. Now […]

  • Model-based assurance case templates

    We are working on extending GSN patterns with references to system context models. GSN patterns support argument abstraction but the details of how it works are not specified. You can specify a claim “{System S} is sufficiently safe”, but the GSN standard doesn’t say how to manage the parameter S. You can find some guidance […]

  • Top-down assurance case development

    Until now, modular assurance cases in PREMIS could only be developed from the bottom up. That is, you had to develop the argumentation of all the modules, create interfaces, assign argument elements to the interfaces, and finally bind the modules. The result can be presented in an architecture diagram. This was a long and tedious […]

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