Common Assessment Framework

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  • CAF conformance template

    NOR-STA is an innovative platform of software services supporting public administration organizations in CAF self-assessment and improvement processes.
    NOR-STA enables more control over the process of using CAF framework at each step and over documentation management.

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  • What is a conformance template?

    A conformance template is a structured information representing requirements of a given standard. A template extended with arguments and evidence of a particular organization becomes a conformance case.
    A conformance template is prepared by domain experts, taking into consideration multiple viewpoints, including the owner of the standard and the auditor.

  • A list of required documents

    The CAF conformance template provides information about required evidence documents and placeholders to upload them.Thanks to NOR-STA you can:

    • have a clear picture of the requirements and results
    • build a catalogue of digital documents
    • easily find and retrieve a particular document
  • Documents

  • Assessment

  • Assessment

    Using NOR-STA you can make a self-assessment or ask an external consultant to assess your compliance. Assessment results for all the criteria and sub-criteria are calculated and visualized by coloring the conformance case. The assessment results will help you to identify:

    • the strengths and weaknesses of the organization
    • goals for improvement
    • progress of the compliance effort

    The current state of the organization and its assessment results can also be shown in generated reports (including the “radar chart”).

  • Better organization supervision

    NOR-STA allows for quick verification of the information gathered about various areas of the organization. This allows to analyze compliance in each area and establish corrective actions. At every moment you can check:

    • how advanced are self-improvement actions
    • in which areas the expected results are already achieved
    • which areas still require improvement
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