Manage assurance cases
for complex systems
- Develop assurance cases online
and share them with others - Integrate the argument with evidence
in online repositories - Create GSN diagrams
- Make assessment and communicate the results
- Manage argument modules and use templates
- Report the assessment results online
- Integrate assurance cases with SharePoint,
Jira, Confluence and other systems
Develop GSN assurance cases
You can develop online modular GSN (Goal Structuring Notation) arguments using PREMIS assurance case tool. PREMIS supports Core GSN and partially Modular and Argument Pattern Extensions.
PREMIS argument metamodel is compliant with OMG SACM and ISO/IEC 15026.

Manage complex modular arguments
Break large arguments into modules and manage them separately. Argument modules can be bound with interfaces
and the assessment of supporting modules will be automatically reported to higher-level argument modules. PREMIS implements three types of argument interfaces: away elements, supported by module and supported by contract.
Modules are also an effective tool for distributing work in teams
and organizations. For each module, you can assign individual user rights in PREMIS.
Integrate your arguments
with external evidence
Assurance case arguments usually refer to the evidence produced in the life cycle of the system, which is stored in repositories, often in version control systems.
PREMIS provides out-of-the-box integration with SharePoint, Confluence and Jira Cloud. Integration with other types of repositories can be provided on request.
PREMIS monitors and reports changes of evidence in integrated repositories, enabling systematic change management.

Perform reviews and assessments
Assurance case reviews can be performed at any stage
of the argument development. PREMIS supports self-assessment and third-party reviews.
PREMIS controls which parts of the argument need a review, and when updated sections of the argument should be reviewed again.
Depending on the type of the argument you can use simple conformance assessment methods or advanced methods supporting uncertainty such as Dempster-Shafer. All results of the reviews can be presented visually using colours.
Report on progress and results
- Produce reports to MS Word and Excel, PDF and HTML
- Assessment visualisation with colour scale
- Custom report templates fed with XML data
describing the argument and assessment results - Custom report content: GSN diagrams, assessment,
charts, links to evidence - Programmable HTML reports using XSL scripts

Build teams, collaborate
and manage user rights
PREMIS is an environment for all forms of collaboration in the development of assurance cases. You can work with your team, initiate third party assessments or invite suppliers. You can manage user access rights for each assurance case project or group of projects.
PREMIS implements Role-based access control (RBAC) for all actions on assurance cases. You can use predefined roles such as manager, editor, auditor, viewer, or define your own roles based on over 40 permissions.
Reuse with templates
- Create assurance cases based on templates
- Use parameterised templates for variants of your system or products
- Easily update arguments when a new version of a template is available
- Use multiple layers of templates

Track changes and use version control
PREMIS maintains a complete change history of all assurance cases. You can view any version of the argument since its creation. When necessary, you can restore or make a copy of any version of the argument.
PREMIS also checks if your reviews and assessments are up to date. The tool alerts you and points out the changes that you can review the modified parts of the argument again.
Make the argument dynamic
with live data input
As systems evolve, so must the assurance case. This can be achieved with a data feed that allows the assurance case to be updated. The PREMIS API interface allows other systems and software agents to connect and provide data that can be used to:
- Update the evidence data
- Modify argument structure
- Deactivate or activate argument sections
- Update the argument assessment
read more about dynamic assurance cases

Integrate with other systems
- Easy deployment in VM, Docker, Kubernetes or cloud environments including AWS, Azure, 2F Game Warden
- Integration with MS SharePoint, Atlassian Jira and Confluence
- Custom integration through REST API (web services)
- User authentication with external identity providers:
Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) - XML data import and export
Upcoming training:
28 May 2025
Best practices for assurance case development
Assurance cases are used in many domains to manage
and demonstrate system safety, security and compliance. The right understanding of the argument structure is essential for its effective use. The main goal of the course
is to provide skills to use proper and effective argument structures, develop defensible arguments, and review assurance case quality.
The training will help you improve the quality of your assurance cases.
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