Kontrola zgodności zorientowana na cele
Assurance case
Prace badawcze
- J. Górski, A. Wardziński, “Supporting Cybersecurity Compliance Assessment of Industrial Automation and Control System Components”, in Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems, pp 71-87, 2019
- P. Theron, A. Lazari, "The IACS Cybersecurity Certification Framework (ICCF) - Lessons from the 2017 study of the state of the art", EC JRC, 2018 (Argevide uczestniczyło w pracach grupy Polish NET)
- A. Wardziński, P. Jones, “Uniform Model Interface for Assurance Case Integration with System Models”, ASSURE Workshop at SAFECOMP 2017, pp 39-51, LNCS 10489, 2017
- A. Wardziński, A. Jarzębowicz, ”Towards Safety Case Integration with Hazard Analysis for Medical Devices”, ASSURE Workshop at SAFECOMP 2016, pp 87-98, LNCS 9923, 2016
Darmowe konto
na jeden projekt
zgodności z ISO 27001
Darmowy demonstrator projektu
dla wybranego standardu