• Considering argument building blocks

    Argument building blocks were originally proposed for CAE assurance cases, but the approach is applicable to all types of assurance cases. The building blocks approach says that there are five types of possible support for a claim – you can provide supporting evidence or use one of four types of strategy: decomposition, substitution, concretion or […]

  • New GSN diagram automatic layout

    Improved assurance case development in GSN diagrams and automatic layout are the main enhancements in the new PREMIS version released last week. It is now easier to work with diagram pages, which no longer have a size limit. Editing diagrams is faster, navigation has been improved and working with GSN is now more effective. Now […]

  • Szablony assurance case bazujące na modelach

    Pracujemy nad rozszerzeniem wzorców GSN o powiązania do modeli kontekstowych systemu. Wzorce GSN obejmują abstrakcję argumentacji, ale szczegóły jak ona działa nie są dokładnie opisane. Można zdefiniować postulat „{System S} jest wystarczająco bezpieczny”, ale Standard GSN nie powie, w jaki sposób zarządzać parametrem S. Można znaleźć publikacje, jak argumentacje bazujące na modelach mogą działać dla […]

  • Model-based assurance case templates

    We are working on extending GSN patterns with references to system context models. GSN patterns support argument abstraction but the details of how it works are not specified. You can specify a claim “{System S} is sufficiently safe”, but the GSN standard doesn’t say how to manage the parameter S. You can find some guidance […]