
  • NUG meeting: Automation in assurance case development

    In current practice, assurance cases are being developed and assessed mostly manually. Automating these processes have a potential of saving time and money, as well as improving consistency between assurance cases and the related systems. The questions arise what can and what should be automated in argument development, evidence management, argument reviews and change management […]

  • Support for GSN and ISO 15026 assurance cases

    Assurance cases developed according with GSN Community Standard version 3 and also with ISO 15026-2 standard is now possible in NOR-STA version 7.8. Both standards are widely used however there are differences in their definitions of the argument structure and the naming conventions are different.The new version also adds assurance case editing functions in the […]

  • NUG meeting: Security Protection Profiles for systems components

    Security Protection Profiles specify security requirements that apply to a specific component and which need to be verified. Protection Profiles are used for IACS components to demonstrate satisfaction of requirements of IEC 62443 and also for medical devices and IEC TR 60601-4-5.During the meeting we will investigate the possibility of defining a Protection Profile for […]

  • NUG meeting: Assumptions management – demonstrators in NOR-STA

    Assumptions play an important role in assurance cases and they should be properly managed to ensure trustworthy argumentation. On our March meeting we have discussed the main roles the assumptions can play in the argument. On our next meeting we will discuss assumptions management and present demonstrators in NOR-STA. We will focus on the three […]

  • NUG meeting: Assumptions – their place and role in assurance cases

    When developing system assurance cases, we often use assumptions and they play different roles. They can provide context for our argument or assumptions that other modules should fulfill. Assumptions can also address weaknesses in an argument (defeaters) or be used as part of a confidence argument.We invite for the next NOR-STA User Group meeting on […]

  • GSN diagrams in NOR-STA

    Now you can create advanced GSN diagrams for assurance cases developed in NOR-STA. The new version of NOR-STA released at the beginning of November introduces a new GSN module. The GSN notation is the most popular notation for graphical presentation of assurance case. GSN diagrams are easy to comprehend for many assurance case users. You […]

  • NUG meeting – Assurance case quality and assessment

    We invite for the next NOR-STA User Group meeting on September 9. The meeting will focus on argument quality and assessment. We will discuss: what is a good argument, mechanisms of argument assessment, the use of confidence argument. We invite all participants to share their point of view and best practices on system assurance and […]

  • NUG meeting – What we have learned

    We invite for the next NOR-STA User Group meeting on June 10. The main theme of the meeting will be “What we have learned – the summary of NUG meetings”. This will cover topics: Evidence management and assessment process Managing argument modules and the assurance process NOR-STA Roadmap We invite all participants to share their […]

  • NOR-STA User Group meeting moved to May 20

    The next NOR-STA User Group meeting is rescheduled to May 20 from May 13. You will find more information on the NOR-STA User Group page. The main topic of the meeting will be the argument assessment process in NOR-STA. We will start with a short presentation to introduce the topic and then discuss: What are […]

  • Assurance case assessment in NOR-STA

    We invite for the next NOR-STA User Group meeting on May 13. The main topic of the meeting will be the argument assessment process in NOR-STA. We will start with a short presentation to introduce the topic and then discuss: What are the challenges of the argument assessment? How to manage effectively the assessment process? […]

  • Assurance argument related process

    We invite for the next NOR-STA User Group meeting on April 8. The main topic of the meeting will be the process of use of assurance and conformance arguments. We will start with a short presentation to introduce the topic and then discuss: What are the current assurance case processes? Which viewpoints are involved? What […]